Rehab Seminars is an general and special educators conference held annually in Seattle, WA and San Diego, CA. The focus of the seminars is brain-based science, learning and achievement for Pre-K through 12th Grade. They are a non-profit organization located in the Pacific Northwest providing quality continuing education.

The website is simple and robust offering sophisticated registration forms to attend the conferences. Some of the features include dynamic conditional field options, automatic data delivery, attachment delivery, automatic payment processing and a self-maintaining database. All accomplished using Gravity Forms and MySQL.

The design of the site is minimal, it works terrifically on a mobile devices. 90% of the content itself is entirely self-maintained by the organization. The site uses a combination of advanced WordPress plugins and customized features. Between that and basic annual maintenance requirements, the site is built to simply function and return results. Technology kept simple and effective. Below are screenshots of the site before and after Codepress.

Rehab Seminars BEFORE
Rehab Seminars AFTER
This project was archived in 2018
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